dimarts, 13 de maig del 2008

Immigration Highest in Europe

Catalonia Today, Thursday, April 10, 2008

Catalonia has one of the highest immigrant populations in the EU.The Centre d'Estudis de Temes Contemporanis concludes that in 2007, the foregin population of Catalonia stood at 13,5%, higer than that most EU countries such as Flanders or Schotland.

Some 30% has no residency papers and that 18% of migrants work in the underground economy.

The place who decided migrants to live depends primarily on their level of education, origin and job. Asians and Latin Americans tend to live in urban areas, while Africans and eastern Europeans were more common in rural areas.

Immigration Stats--->migrants by percentage of population per region.

-Catalonia 13'5%
-Lombardy 7'6 %
-Flanders 5'4%
-Basque Country 4'6%
-Scotland 1%